Unlocking Knowledge Transfer


Designed by Scott Burnett at Aad

Illustrator & Animator: Ronan McMeel

Sound design: George Brennan

Categories: Moving Image

Industry: Commercial

Tags: Illustration

Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI) is a national office tasked with promoting awareness and understanding of Knowledge Transfer and encouraging more of it to happen. They, along with TTO’s [Technology transfer offices] around the country provide a bridge that helps connect research and researchers with opportunities and enterprise, helping transform what happens in labs and minds into ideas that have positive benefit for our economy and wider society.

We began working with KTI in early 2017. They came to us because there was confusion around what KT is, why it exists and how it works. To make it accessible and understandable to as wide an audience as possible we produced a simple film that explains the subject, breaks down the process and shows it in a wider context. A focus on people and the effect of innovation in the real world helps make it feel less technical and underline why the sharing of knowledge is so important to Irish society and beyond.