Town Centre First


Designed by Gillian Reidy at Penhouse

Design Team: Leonie Rafter

Design Team: LesleyAnne Furness

Design Team: Gemma Corcoran

Categories: Identity

Industry: Civic

Town Centre First is a policy approach by the Government of Ireland which aims to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant, and attractive locations for people to live in, work in, and visit. The process recognises that every town is unique and it has a vital function as the service, social, cultural and recreational centre for the local community. Town Centre First lays the foundation for each community to develop their own plan-led path forward for their town. The Policy is supported by cross-government funding and policy actions that are focused on delivery.

Our aim was to visually represent how Irish communities come together in a participatory process to shape their own town centres.

At its core, the identity features a Celtic weave symbol that beautifully intertwines people and place, at the heart of the process. The people icons represent the collaboration between diverse town teams, their Town Regeneration Officers, and Local Authorities and the location icon reinforces the focus on place and the uniqueness of each Irish town.

The weave speaks not only to the cultural heritage of each town in Ireland but also to the interconnectedness of town centres with the people who live, work, and grow in them. This design provides a subtle nod to Ireland's rich history while embracing the innovative energy of a revitalised future.

Supported by typography that mirrors Irish Government departments, we have a link to state branding too. This logo, which is distinctively Irish, allows us to place Town Centre First at the centre of the placemaking movement in Ireland and support communities in achieving their goals for their towns.