Too Into You

These videos were created as a resource for Too Into You - an initiative by Women’s Aid to raise awareness of relationship abuse among young people and provide support. The intention of the videos was: to explain what abuse is and how it can manifest in relationships; to explain the concept of ‘lovebombing’ and why it is a tactic of abuse; and to raise awareness of abuse in marginalised communities (migrants, LGBTQ+ etc.). The audience for these videos would be young people (skewing female) aged 18-25 and therefore would need to have a voice and style which would be engaging and which would help them see that this resource was ‘for them’. Our team wrote and designed the videos utilising the Too Into You brand, but expanding the look and feel so that this suite of videos could work as standalone, high quality resources that individuals would really want to watch - on YouTube, via social media, and at workshops and events run by Too Into You. These videos are part of the overall strategy for Too Into You - to make the topic of abuse in relationship accessible and relatable to a wide base of young people.