The Story of A Line


Designed by Nico Tracey

Creative Direction: Isi Mullins

Creative Direction: Nico Tracey

Videography: Rory LaHart

Categories: Promotional / Print / Identity / Exhibition / Social Media

Industry: Cultural

Tags: Poster / Typography / Interactive / Visual art / Art direction / Art / Exhibition

The Story of a Line, an immersive exhibition by IN—TWO Art Collective, which explored the emotional landscape of immigration; the ache of homesickness, the pull of nostalgia, and the ever-evolving definition of home. As part of Zeitgeist Irland 24, a nationwide initiative celebrating Irish culture and talent across Germany, this exhibition invited audiences to step into a world shaped by memory, longing, and identity.

A sensory experience, guiding visitors through the essence of home via evocative smells, sounds, and visuals—all linked by the symbolic presence of a line. Whether as a boundary, a journey, or a thread connecting past and present, the line served as both a narrative and a graphic element threading the entire experience together.

Through videography, printed media, and interactive storytelling, The Story of a Line brought these emotions to life with a rich visual language. The exhibition design leaned into familiar, everyday symbols of Irishness — a beer mat invitation reminiscent of a perfectly poured pint, a newspaper style poster capturing the perspective of an Irish emigrant in a foreign land, and extensive video footage compiled from cross-border journeys. These visuals were punctuated with poetry, musings, and personal reflections on the complex interplay of guilt, longing, and belonging.

By weaving together personal and collective memory, the exhibition encouraged viewers to reflect on what home truly means. A purposefully crafted nostalgic visual language, allowing every viewer to find their own story within the greater narrative of displacement and identity.

The Story of a Line was more than an exhibition; it was a conversation, a mirror, and an invitation to explore the ties that bind us to the places we call home.