Designed by Caitlin Quinn, Meg Murphy and Claire Rubira at Vermillion Design
Categories: Exhibition
Industry: Cultural
Tags: Exhibition
The Murmur of Bees, a temporary exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland – Turlough Park, journeys through Ireland’s bee history, bee species in Ireland, their vital role in nature, and the special bond they share with us and Irish culture.
The exhibition title design, a hand-illustrated wordmark, was inspired by key artefacts featured in the exhibition, including the typography found on the cover of the Irish Bee Journal, and hand written ephemera.
The exhibition identity was designed to be intriguing, exciting and engaging, inviting NMI’s audience into the fascinating world of bees. The identity captured the essence of the exhibition, which was curated to deepen and broaden the audience’s understanding and appreciation of bees, scientifically, historically and culturally. The identity was inspired by the rich source material in terms of colour, texture, shape and quality of line, resulting in a harmonious and effective identity and exhibition. The source material included a Harry Clarke stained glass window cartoon featuring St. Gobnait, Alice Maher’s ‘Bee Dress’, bee specimens, journals, honey labels and other interesting and charming historical ephemera.