Spice O'Life Brand Redesign


Designed by Wes Trumble (Freelance)

Website Development: Sean Mongey/Post Studio

Categories: Website / Print / Identity / Packaging / Livery

Industry: Commercial

Website: spiceolife.ie/

Spice O'life is an Irish food service, retail, industry and butcher's business based in Dunmanway, West Cork. Their core specialism is in providing clients with bespoke sauces, marinades, glazes, seasonings and spice solutions; servicing major players within the food service industries. 

Unfortunately, whilst Spice O'Life are the 'go-to' experts in their field, Their corporate brand suffered greatly from a lack of structure or any coherent unified visual identity. This manifested itself in the client facing website which was underdeveloped and was lacking in detail. Their retail brand had also become somewhat fragmented with varying brand and product representations that only served to confuse consumers. 

It was my task to help to develop their brand proposition, refresh their brand both for the corporate and retail divisions of their business, to reposition the company as a brand leader both in Ireland and Internationally, and to cover all touch points from their internal comms to their consumer facing applications.

I set about curating a visual audit of all of their pre-existing assets and explored, through in-depth research, industry leader's operating in the same space. This helped unpack observations and insights pinpointing their core values: Vibrant, Playful, Diverse, Contemporary, Serious and Artisanal which was encapsulated in the term "Serious Fun". 

So as not to alienate pre-existing customers I redrew the brand logotype unifying what were disparate elements into one contemporary, vibrant and playful mark. I also developed a flexible set of visual assets that could be drawn upon when required for communicating with both client and consumer.

I built upon their core tagline 'Your Missing Ingredient' highlighting the duality between product use and what the client or consumer could create themselves by bringing their own ingredients to the table. As freelancer's we are sometimes challenged to develop additional assets with very limited budgets so I was fortunate enough to find a series of stock illustrations that had not only struck the right tone but ones that could be adapted to further enhance the brand story.

The resulting design strikes the right balance for both corporate and consumer facing customers alike in knowing when to be playful and when to rationally impart information about the services this incredible business provides.