Pax Technologica


Designed by Bob Gray at Red&Grey

Film/Photography: Matthew Thompson

Type Design: Bobby Tannam

Concept Development: Paul Hughes, Thomas Ermacora

Categories: Website / Identity / Typeface / Editorial / Experience / Screen / Publication

Industry: Charitable


Pax Technologica is an initiative created to ensure the peaceful and just adoption of A.I. in emerging global geographies. Working alongside key figures from technology, policy, placemaking and finance Pax Technologica is expanding the conversation about appropriate technology adoption. 

Launched in Florence (the birthplace of the renaissance) in 2024, our research for the identity brought us into the history books where we found ‘The Kiss of Peace and Justice’ a painting that could serve as a foundational visual keystone for the identity. The kiss (X) formed a visual and typographic grid across all materials. 

Holograph Sans, an original typeface was co-created for the project with master typographer Bobby Tannam. The original olive and golden Florentine countryside colours of the identity system were added to by an amber and orange palette reflecting the organisation’s dynamic partnerships in Africa and beyond.

Documenting the project’s progress through film and photography from the salons of Florence to the key workshops at the World Economic Forum in Davos alongside Africa House and into the future on the continent of Africa has been a key element in telling the evolving story of Pax Technologica. 

All identity elements from fellowship documents to policy programs and cultural essays are designed to bring consistency and change across multiple contexts.