Designed by David Joyce and Aoife Flynn at Language
Categories: Printed Publication / Print / Identity / Signage / Exhibition / Publication
Industry: Civic
Tags: Publishing / Event / Conference / Exhibition
Mandate Trade Union is the Union for retail, bar and administrative workers in Ireland. With 40,000 members across every county in the Republic of Ireland, they campaign industrially and politically for improved living conditions for all our members. We were honoured to work with Mandate on their 30 year anniversary conference.
Alongside an exhibition timeline celebrating the history of Mandate, as well as display materials and merchandise for their event, we also created a commemorative book. This was an opportunity to showcase the rich history of Mandate, gathering materials highlighting the contribution of the trade union to Irish society over the years. The book features a soft touch fold out cover with a deboss of a specially created 30 year logo mark. The scrapbook nature of the inside cover is reflected in the layout of the essays in a non-chronological order. The size and proportion of the book were chosen so that a reader could easily read an individual essay at a time with each section having a unique divider spread. The layout also allowed us to showcase the breadth of imagery in the Mandate archive with photographs and documents spanning over 100 years.