Doha Mall Identity


Designed by Cillian Griffith and Shane Hyland at Midnight

Categories: Identity

Industry: Corporate

Tags: Website / Identity


Doha Mall is located in the city of Doha in Qatar. The mall will be the only super regional mall in the South of Doha with over 650,000 people within its catchment area. Doha Mall has a unique architectural design, sharp angles and cascading waterfalls around the entrance and will also boast an Aquarium to wow visitors. This was something we wanted to play with in the design, the movement and the angles. 

We used these angles to bring movement to the logo, morphing from shape to shape. This led to the final solution for the logo and also to the main concept which would be applied to the visual language and the website. The moving shapes take on a life of their own on the site, slightly morphing and moving constantly. The website has been developed in English and Arabic so it caters for both local Qatari and the Expat community.