Designed by Alex Synge at Alex Synge
Photography: Alessia Cargnelli
Printing: Grafiche Veneziane
Categories: Printed Publication / Print / Publication
Industry: Cultural
Tags: Contemporary art / Visual art / Publishing
Archiving Plurality: A Collaborative Process is the result of a year-long project led by post-doctoral researcher-in-residency Alessia Cargnelli for NIVAL, the National Irish Visual Arts Library, with the objective of further facilitating access, inclusion and visibility of artists and designers from diverse ethnic, cultural, gender backgrounds and nationalities currently underrepresented in the collections.
The publication collates the responses of the many arts professionals involved in the research and a series of commissioned writings by teresa cisneros, Sara Damaris Muthi, Bojana Janković and Sophie Mak-Schram. The multiplicity of approaches enable us to better understand and preserve the plurality of creative contemporary practices on the island of Ireland, ultimately seeking to answer the question "How to practise the right to belong?”
Typefaces used include Combine by Julie Patard, available open source at ‘Badass Libre Fonts by Womxn’, Oracle by Dinamo (Johannes Breyer) with Andree Paat, Thy Hà, Chi-Long Trieu and Noe Text by Schick Toikka (Florian Schick and Lauri Toikka).
Printed in one-colour throughout, with an offset and screen-printed cover, the book is NIVAL's very first printed publication.
Documentation photography by Eslam Abd El Salam. Courtesy of NIVAL.